RSSArchive for September, 2012

Wellness at Work By Cheryl Alker

Wellness at Work By Cheryl Alker

Creating a high-performing, health-focused organization is a challenge that many companies face. Research indicates that organizations that implement a corporate wellness strategy gain valuable benefits through lowered healthcare costs. With health care costs continuing to rise at alarming rates, it is more important than ever before to keep your employees healthy. Because of the many […]

Olympic Abs Anyone? By Cheryl Alker

Olympic Abs Anyone? By Cheryl Alker

No doubt you were one of the millions who tuned into watch the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. You were also no doubt one of the millions who, not only marveled at the incredible achievements of the world’s top athletes, but sat in wonder at the washboard abs that were on display! So how did […]

Ante & Post Natal

Ante & Post Natal



The Long and Short Of It By Cheryl Alker

The Long and Short Of It By Cheryl Alker

Many of us are striving to become physically fit, but what is true physical fitness and how do we achieve it? The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports – a study group sponsored by the U.S. Government – declines to offer a simple definition. Instead, it has named the five following components: Body Composition                   […]

Express Yourself By Cheryl Alker

Express Yourself By Cheryl Alker

Take one pot of cream, apply sparingly to the whole body, use gentle upward strokes, pat cream gently into the skin with your fingertips to fragile areas and ensure you do not drag the skin as you work.  Apply morning and night maybe use a heavier cream at night, give the cream a week to […]

Back Pain

Back Pain

The Core of the Matter by Cheryl Alker

The Core of the Matter by Cheryl Alker

We’ve all heard about it, we’ve all read about it and we know we should be working it!  But what is it, where is it, how should we work it and what benefit will it be to us if we do? To answer these questions you should ask a dancer or should I say a […]

The Cleansing Breath By Cheryl Alker

The Cleansing Breath By Cheryl Alker

We take many things for granted in life, however, without a doubt breathing has to be in the top five.  Oxygen is the most vital nutrient for our bodies. It is essential for the health of the brain, nerves, glands and internal organs. We can do without food for weeks and without water for days, […]

Face School

Face School