RSSArchive for January, 2016

New Year's Resolution #1 By Cheryl Alker

New Year’s Resolution #1 By Cheryl Alker

As the clock strikes its last chime so comes the countless New Year’s resolutions.  Across the World, millions of people promise themselves and others that they were going to get fit and healthy in 2016.  Unfortunately, by the end of January a significant proportion of those well intentioned folks would have quit their New Year’s […]

New Year New Abs by Cheryl Alker

New Year New Abs by Cheryl Alker

So the festivities are finally over, the last of the cookies, chocolate and pies have been eaten and you are now experiencing that awful feeling of your  waistband  digging in and your belt no longer fitting on the same hole it did before the holidays! So what are you going to do to remove that […]