About Us
Cheryl Alker has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years, having run her own Health Club, managed a Governmental fitness testing program and lectured the fitness industry across the UK.
Certified to train and qualify potential R.S.A./O.C.R. Exercise to Music and Gym Instructors, she spent nearly 12 years working as a contractor to Shape Fitness Education during which time she certified many hundreds of new trainers who have gone on to work in the health and fitness industry.
During recent years she has specialised in the niche area of flexibility.
Alker’s career started with the Jane Fonda era of “feeling the burn” and has spanned many trends: hi-impact, low impact, heavy hands, hi/lo, funk, spinning, body pump, yoga, pilates……… the list goes on and on!
Having worked with literally thousands of people over the past 30 years and analyzing movement quality, she started to notice in recent years how body shapes, quality of movement and postural alignment had changed.
The computer age was obviously responsible for many postural alignment problems, however, she noticed her own classes were beginning to lack one very important component of physical fitness – flexibility.
Her clients were well aware of the benefits of cardio and muscular strength and endurance, this information was readily available in every magazine or newspaper but flexibility, what did that do for them? As far as they were concerned it needed little attention as it seemed to have no bearing on how their body looked.
Once she noticed her own work gave little time to stretching she also noticed that other instructors were falling into the same trap. Regular gym-users were also not stretching in fact it was almost non-existent.
She began to incorporate a pure stretch program to her own workout schedule and soon noticed a huge difference in her own body shape and well-being.
At this stage in her career she studied yoga and although she gained much from this work it was not the “pure” flexibility program she was looking for.
Her work began in earnest in 2000 when she began to specialize in flexibility, postural alignment and movement quality.
Since arriving in South Florida the program together with her unique style of public speaking engagements has gained much interest and rave reviews and has been a source of inspiration and education for many. Articles have been written in many publications including Palm Beach Illustrated Magazine, Wellington The Magazine, Palm Beach Post, 24Seven, Around Wellington, Clear Channel Radio, Industry Magazine, PBG Lifestyle and the Wellington Town Crier to name a few.