RSSAuthor Archive for StretchResults

A Spoonful of Sugar by Cheryl Alker

A Spoonful of Sugar by Cheryl Alker

Many years ago I attended a lecture with regard to body fat and, whilst I learnt many facts that day, there was one line the lecturer delivered that has stayed with me. It was “if sugar was discovered today, it would be banned as an illegal substance!” I totally agreed and must admit that I […]

New Year's Resolution #1 By Cheryl Alker

New Year’s Resolution #1 By Cheryl Alker

As the clock strikes its last chime so comes the countless New Year’s resolutions.  Across the World, millions of people promise themselves and others that they were going to get fit and healthy in 2016.  Unfortunately, by the end of January a significant proportion of those well intentioned folks would have quit their New Year’s […]

New Year New Abs by Cheryl Alker

New Year New Abs by Cheryl Alker

So the festivities are finally over, the last of the cookies, chocolate and pies have been eaten and you are now experiencing that awful feeling of your  waistband  digging in and your belt no longer fitting on the same hole it did before the holidays! So what are you going to do to remove that […]

Sitting – The Silent Foe By Cheryl Alker

What are you doing whilst you are reading this article? Let me guess……… Sitting! Am I right? On average, adults spend over half of their waking hours sitting, at least 8 hours a day! Now you may not consider yourself a coach potato, in fact I’m not even suggesting you are, but let’s just take […]

Sciatica - The Mother of all Pains By Cheryl Alker

Sciatica – The Mother of all Pains By Cheryl Alker

If you have ever suffered with sciatica then you will relate to the above title, in fact up to 10% of us will suffer with sciatica at one time in our life but usually affects people from 25 to 50 years of age. Sciatica refers to pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in the leg.  It […]

Is Your Head Weighing You Down? By Cheryl Alker

Is Your Head Weighing You Down? By Cheryl Alker

The average human head weighs approximately 12 pounds. Whilst that may not come as a huge shock to you, knowing that for every inch you crane your neck forward, your 12 pound head gains a whopping 10 pounds might! The truth is that our head only weighs 12 pounds if we have perfect posture but […]

'Tis The Season To Be .......... Stressed? By Cheryl Alker

‘Tis The Season To Be ………. Stressed? By Cheryl Alker

‘Tis the season to be merry and gather those you love around to soak up quality time together. We really should be doing this all year round but it would seem that these days we are even too busy to spend time with our own family. I am sure this is why we look forward […]

What is Yoga, Really? By Sherri Mraz

What is Yoga, Really? By Sherri Mraz

Most of us are used to looking for happiness outside of ourselves. We all want to be happy but what does that look like? Even after we attain a long held desire we end up with a deep longing within for “something more.” Maybe when I get a new house, better job, new car, more […]

Are You Getting Enough of the Source of Life? By Cheryl Alker

Are You Getting Enough of the Source of Life? By Cheryl Alker

No doubt the summer months have had you reaching for drink after drink and whilst those fruity long cool drinks are delicious and often cooling and refreshing, there really is only one drink that can deal totally with the effects of dehydration. The word “dehydration” sounds drastic and we often relate it to people who […]

Top Ten Tips to Stay on Track By Sherri Mraz

Top Ten Tips to Stay on Track By Sherri Mraz

On occasion we all get off our game. Sometimes life with kids or our jobs just makes us feel like we have little time for ourselves. Remember on the airplane they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first? Well, we need to fill our tank before we are any good to others. […]